Three main contradictions affect the popularity of fresh air air conditioners in Malaysia

It’s not a lack of market demand, nor a lack of products, but that no company is willing to invest more energy in consumer education.

“In the Chinese market, fresh air air conditioners have become the mainstream, but fresh air air conditioners are rarely seen in Malaysia. Based on my years of experience, it is not that there is no demand, but that there are some contradictions in the current market that affect the promotion of fresh air air conditioners.” Said a channel dealer who has been engaged in home appliance sales for 30 years.

Judging from the current air conditioning trends in Malaysia, the main contradictions in the popularization and promotion of fresh air air conditioners are reflected in three aspects:

First, the contradiction between enterprise input and output has affected the development of fresh air air conditioning.

Many foreign brands have reached a consensus that cultivating consumers and building brands in Malaysia requires a long-term and investment-intensive process.

Mainly, multiple languages form their own consumer preferences. For example, if the same advertisement wants to reach more people in Malaysia, it must at least be in Malay, Chinese and English, because these three language groups constitute the entire population of Malaysia. the subject. Otherwise, brand establishment and market cultivation in Malaysia will be uneven, which will undoubtedly greatly increase corporate costs.

At present, traditional air conditioners still occupy a dominant position, and no company is willing to be the first to eat crabs and cultivate consumers. Because some companies will believe that when they invest more financial, material, and energy in consumer education, their competitors will be the biggest beneficiaries. They can follow the lead companies and reduce their large initial investment.

The second is the contradiction that channel dealers and enterprises cannot cooperate in popularization.

Malaysia is a country with high temperatures and humidity. Due to the unique climate conditions, people prefer to use traditional air conditioning systems instead of fresh air air conditioning. This is because traditional air conditioning systems can provide a comfortable indoor environment through cooling and dehumidification.

Fresh air conditioning systems require additional energy to heat or cool fresh air and introduce it into the room. In a tropical country like Malaysia, energy efficiency is an important consideration. Traditional air conditioning systems are generally more energy efficient because they only need to circulate indoor air rather than frequently bringing in fresh air.

From the perspective of home environment, fresh air air conditioners obviously have more advantages. First, the fresh air air conditioning system can introduce fresh outdoor air and provide better indoor air quality; second, the fresh air air conditioning system can significantly reduce energy consumption by recovering and reusing the energy in indoor air.

However, many distributors are worried that consumers will question traditional air conditioners. When fresh air air conditioners cannot be scaled up in the short term, they may lose the market share of traditional air conditioners.

In fact, channel operators want to popularize fresh air air conditioners, but they also need enterprises to develop collaboratively. This contradictory mentality currently dominates. Relying on channel dealers alone to popularize fresh air air conditioners is obviously insufficient, and channel dealers are not willing to invest more capital in market cultivation. Because market cultivation is also the obligation and responsibility of home appliance companies.

The third is the contradiction between enterprises and channel operators lacking precise targeted marketing.

For enterprises or distributors, the popularization of fresh air air conditioners cannot be for the general public at first, but should focus on precise groups of people. Through the popularization and cultivation of precise groups of people, and through these people with purchasing power to influence the market, this gradual approach is feasible and has the lowest investment cost.

However, the current contradiction is that companies and distributors rarely use precise groups of people to popularize fresh air air conditioners. This is very different from China’s mature approach to high-end people.

In fact, the rise of any new thing is a process of gradual acceptance, and it requires people with spending power to consume first and then influence others.

If fresh air air conditioners want to open up the market in Malaysia, it cannot be achieved overnight. Malaysia is the third largest economy in the ASEAN region, and users have certain spending power. If fresh air air conditioners want to further develop in 2024 and resolve the above three contradictions, there will be significant market changes.

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