The government will formulate national standards for electric vehicle battery replacement

Liu Zhendong, Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia, said that the government is formulating national standards to promote the development of the electric vehicle (EV) industry, covering aspects such as safety, functionality and battery replacement technology to ensure the safety, standardization and high-quality of the technology. quality and environmental protection. The development of the standard involved multiple government agencies and industry players, including the Road Transport Department, the Malaysian Institute of Automotive, Robotics and IoT, as well as electric motorcycle manufacturers and higher education institutions. These standards will take into account international standards such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission and United Nations regulations.

National standards for battery replacement are expected to be ready and gazetted next year. Liew said the government has discussed with the Malaysian Motorcycle and Scooter Assemblers and Distributors Association and agreed to establish an alliance to achieve the goal of standardizing battery storage system (BSS) technology. The government will also continue to develop and implement plans and initiatives through the National Electric Vehicle Task Force and the National Electric Vehicle Steering Committee to promote the development of the national electric vehicle industry.

(From: Bernama Picture source: freepik)

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