Samsung sued China’s BOE and its subsidiaries in the United States

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Samsung Display filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) against China’s BOE, the world’s largest manufacturer of liquid crystal display (LCD) panels and Samsung Display’s largest display competitor. Samsung Display claims that BOE stole its technology. This is not the same as ongoing patent infringement litigation.

According to the display industry news on November 2, Samsung Display filed a lawsuit against BOE and BOE subsidiaries and other 8 companies for infringement of trade secrets with the ITC of the United States on October 31, local time.

Instead of unauthorized use of disclosed technology, as in patent infringement, trade secret infringement is the theft of technology through partners and current and former employees.

Samsung Display filed a complaint with the U.S. ITC against China’s BOE for leaking trade secrets because it found evidence that Chinese companies such as BOE were involved in the process of leaking trade secrets by its partner Toptech, analysts said.

(Source: BK Image source: freepik)

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