South Korea’s exports grew by double digits in January

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According to South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), South Korea’s exports totaled $54.69 billion and imports totaled $54.39 billion in January.

Exports rose 18 percent year-on-year%,连续第四个月增长。这是自2022年5月(21.4%). After deducting working days, the average daily export value reached 2.28 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 5.7%。出口量增长14.7% percent, marking the fifth consecutive month of positive growth.

Exports increased in value in 13 of the 15 major export items, with semiconductor exports, South Korea’s largest export item, increasing by 56% year-on-year for the third consecutive month. Auto exports rose for the 19th consecutive month, hitting an all-time high of $6.2 billion in January.

Exports of general machinery (14.5) %)出口连续10个月增长,家用电器(+14.2%) for 8 consecutive months, displays (2.1%)和船舶(76.0%) for 6 consecutive months, and petrochemicals (4.0%) for 6 consecutive months. ) and biological health products (3.6%) for three consecutive months.

Computer exports (37.2) %)止住了18个月的下降,而钢材(2.0%), petroleum products (11.8%)、汽车零部件(10.8%) and textiles (8.5%) also shifted to exports. On the positive side.

By region, exports increased in eight of the nine major export markets (excluding the CIS). Exports to China, South Korea’s largest export market, reached $10.7 billion, the first year-on-year increase in 20 months since May 2022. Exports to the United States rose 26.9 percent%,连续第六个月增长。对印度(5.6% (5.6), ASEAN (5.8) %)和日本(10.6% increased for the fourth consecutive month. Exports to the European Union (5.2%)、拉丁美洲(28.2%) and the Middle East (13.9%) also grew significantly.

Imports fell 7.8% year-on-year in January%。在原油进口增加(6.0%Energy imports increased by 16.3, driven by an increase in crude oil imports (6.0), but eventually contracted due to lower imports of %,但由于天然气(41.9%%)进口减少而最终出现收缩。非能源进口也下降了4.7%%. The trade surplus reached $300 million, the eighth consecutive month of surplus.

(Source: BK Image source: freepik)

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