China replaces US as Southeast Asia’s most favored partner

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A new survey shows that China has replaced the United States as the preferred alliance partner in Southeast Asia, especially in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. People’s confidence in the United States has declined, possibly due to intensified competition between China and the United States and the weakening of the United States’ strategic influence.

While the U.S. has stepped up its presence in military cooperation, China has become more attractive in finance and trade. Confidence in the Indo-Pacific economic framework has declined in Southeast Asia, which has criticized its lack of market access. China is considered the most influential country in the region.

Additionally, the Israel-Hamas conflict and tensions in the South China Sea are major geopolitical issues in the region. While sentiment generally favors China, the Philippines and Vietnam support the United States. Overall, optimism about relations with China has increased, with the Philippines being the most cautious.

(Source: Bloomberg Image source: freepik)

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