LG Smart Park is rated as a lighthouse factory by the World Factory

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According to Taiwan’s Zhongshi News Network, LG Smart Park was selected as a lighthouse factory by the World Economic Forum (WEF). “Lighthouse Factory” is an important indicator of the manufacturing industry. It uses fourth industrial revolution technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and robots in manufacturing and supply chain operations to effectively improve production efficiency and achieve environmental sustainability.

The “Lighthouse Factory” has three major advantages, including that through machine learning and automation, efficiency can be greatly improved by up to 17%; if there are links that are prone to defects, it can more accurately operate and prevent them, reducing the defect rate; some welding and heavy lifting Robots can also be used to replace traditional labor in other tasks, training the original manpower to perform more professional and detailed work.

The newly implemented “digital twin” technology allows the operating system to analyze the production process in virtual reality, predict whether any problems will occur in the next 10 minutes, and provide accurate parts and materials for the assembly process of each home appliance, while accurately Provide the latest status of factory logistics operations to assist factory personnel in discovering and solving possible problems in advance. From 2020 to 2021, the cost of returning defective products dropped by 70%.

(Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network Picture source: freepik)


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