Amazon’s new robot Digit

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Amazon is testing a humanoid bipedal robot called “Digit” for use in the warehousing process, which has raised concerns among employees. Although Amazon says Digit is designed to work with employees, not replace them, that hasn’t dispelled employees’ fears of losing their jobs. Amazon has been working on growing its robotics team for years, introducing a variety of logistics robots, but this is the first time that humanoid robots have been used in warehousing processes. The company said Digit was able to pick up and process goods in the spaces and corners of the warehouse, which was originally planned to help employees recycle totes. Although Amazon emphasizes that the use of robots will create new jobs, employees are still concerned about whether robots will reduce their reliance on human labor. In addition, there is no clear conclusion about whether robots can improve worker safety, following reports of higher injury rates in Amazon’s robotic warehouses. At the time, Amazon strongly refuted the report, citing “journalists misinterpreting the data.”

(Source: Oriental Daily Image source: freepik)

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