Terengganu earned nearly NT$240 million from catch last year

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Terengganu state achieved a bumper fish harvest worth RM237.8 million last year, with a total catch of 46.7 tons, a significant increase from 33.5 tons in 2022.

Executive Councilor Azman Azman said that the catch of fishermen along the coast of Zone A increased by 13.2 tons, which proved that the government’s plan to enrich fishery resources, including artificial reefs and “fish houses”, was working. He stressed that the state government, in collaboration with federal government agencies, would continue to anchor the artificial reef and “fish house” programs to increase fishermen’s income. ​

Azman pointed out that despite the state government’s efforts to increase fishermen’s income, they still faced challenges from the invasion of foreign fishermen. He thanked the Fisheries Bureau for successfully seizing three intruding fishing boats and called on fishermen to help report any intrusions.

(Source: enanyang Image source: freepik)

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