Straits Energy Malaysia obtains biofuel sustainability certification

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Straits Energy Malaysia (STRAITS) announced that it has obtained the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC EU), paving the way for the company to enter the marine biofuel trading and oil storage business in the first quarter of 2024.

The certification was obtained by subsidiary Tumpuan Megah Development, becoming the first biofuel supplier and trader in Malaysia to obtain ISCC EU certification. ISCC EU certification enables maritime operators to demonstrate compliance with EU sustainability and emission reduction standards, including the EU Renewable Energy Directive.

Managing Director Datuk Seri Ho Kam Choi said that sustainable biofuels will play a key role in achieving the 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction target. The company plans to start marine biofuel supply and trading through Tumpuan Megah in the first quarter of 2024, becoming a future profit growth Major contributors.

(Source: enanyang Image source: freepik)

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